Friday, February 27, 2009

Upon The Rise...Just I

The first blush of dawn
caresses my skin

A chill wraps me
inside a glow
of pink sky

A misted dew
upon my lashes
and lips taste the linger
of night
that fights the gentle


I sneak out
to sit alone
and watch the sun
with winking eyes
peek and blink
upon the rise

Water colors
(across a sky)

Shades of deep pink
as they drench
a brand new day

What shall I be?
I think...

A smile that trembles
my lips
with a glance from the sun
a frown that stings my face
from the absence of one

Content to linger...
I shrug off reflection
so endless for me...

Like a child with dancing eyes
I devour .....
the loveliness.....
that floods a
Blue Grass Sky

The first fresh blush of Dawn....
and I....

1 comment:

  1. Christie,

    Yet again I am honored and amazed by you. i loved the lines "I sneak out
    to sit alone
    and watch the sun
    with winking eyes
    peek and blink
    upon the rise" The imagery that you painted was mind blowing. I read it and read it again and the picture engulfed my mind. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Thank you again so much for joining the PEGS family!

